The Diary of a Displaced Housewife is now Life In Fuchsia…

'The Diary of the Displaced Housewife' is now 'Life in Fuschia'

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Blueberry Mango Smoothie

I know…. I know! I’ve been MIA for a while. Life’s been so hectic that cooking almost seemed like an indulgence for a couple of days. Hopefully things settle down and I get to do my favorite thing… cooking straight forward and soul satisfying food. Meanwhile here is something small I whipped up to beat the heat wave we were having.

Look At That Gorgeous Shade of Purple!

Blueberry Mango Smoothie

What you need:
Frozen blueberries as needed
2 scoops of Mango sorbet (I used Hagen Daaz Fat Free Mango Sorbet)
Yoghurt (I used non fat) as needed
Milk – I used milk to thin out the consistency of the smoothie

Getting down to business:
Combine all the ingredients and blitz with blender/ magic bullet or immersion blender! (I used an immersion blender… have I ever told you how much I love it?!)
Top off with a few more frozen blueberries or add some blueberries to the bottom of the glass and then pour in the smoothie. This way you get a nice surprise when you get to the bottom of the glass.

This was heavenly but healthy way to beat the unbearable heat …not that you need to wait for a heat wave to indulge!

Also another great recipe is Nutella Coffee from US Masala! Oh sweet heaven… this was such decadence! I followed the recipe but did not add the cinnamon. I highly recommend you try this out.


  1. Lav, that sounds simply delicious.

  2. thts truly tempting smotthie fav color...looks mindblowing n amazingly delicious.mmm...mmm

  3. Hi there, I have been MIA too. I have been very busy with out of towner families.
    This smoothie looks awesome. Mango with blueberries, interesting. This is already added on my "my try" list. Thank you for sharing, this will be great anytime I get the cravings. Have a great weekend.

  4. Yum, I've never combined mango and blueberries. Definitely sounds like a refreshing way to beat the heat!

  5. That was simply delicious... just love it...

    When you find time, do visit my blog... thanks...

  6. very refreshing ..these kind f drinks are really good for this hot.. nice combination of mango and blueberry
    Housewife sure i will post the kerala sadhya very soon.Anway we have to prepare it on Onam that time i will share the same..

  7. Hi,
    glad you got a chance 2 try it out n am very happy 2 hear u liked have a great space here with new n interesting recipes ..have book marked your herb pancakes n avocado butter recipe..will give it a shot soon..
    take care n have a nice weekend :)

  8. Healthy and yummy recipe. Nice to be here. best wishes.
