Today I bring you some exciting news! Priya from Mharo Rajasthan’s Recipes, Sanyukta from Creative Sanyukta and yours truly have started a new initiative. We’re calling out to all L.A. based food bloggers and even beyond (well…Socal would be a great start!) to help us move towards a food blogger meet up.
The idea started with a small seed of an idea of how great it would be to meet and the next thing we know… we’re deciding on a name for an LA based food blogger meet up! Its exciting and oh so thrilling to see the faces behind the words and of course… the cooking. We could spend a day networking and making new friends or maybe even a weekend. Do check out the new blog started for this purpose: Foodie Bloggers Meet and help us spread the word. Tell your friends, post the word on your blogs and lets make this happen!
count me in..haha