The Diary of a Displaced Housewife is now Life In Fuchsia…

'The Diary of the Displaced Housewife' is now 'Life in Fuschia'

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

MEC: Party Appetizers Update

Look what the lovely Srivalli from Spicing Your Life sent in for MEC: Party Appetizers.. a very yummy Cheese Toast with Thyme, Red Pepper Flakes and Roasted Onions! This is a dish that is sure to please your guests!

Looking forward to seeing all your concoctions in the microwave! Check out my post on MEC: Party Appetizers for more information.


  1. woww... it looks soo yummyy :D

  2. @ Priya - Thanks Priya! Its all Srivalli!

    @ The Kitchen Affaire - Hi! Do try it out and let me know how it comes out! Perfect for sudden guests!
